Alongside Families Community Friends are Christ-followers in our partner churches who provide wraparound support for both parents in need and for Host Families.

Community Friends can serve in many ways!


Support for Host Families

Community Friends are key to making sure that Host Families feel supported as they serve and don't burn out. Some ways that Community Friends can do this:

  • help transport children
  • provide babysitting in the Host Family's home or in the community (parks, Chick-fil-a, etc)
  • tutor a child in the host home
  • provide meals
  • run errands for the host family
  • Invite the host family over for play dates, a cook out, a meal in your home, etc.

IMPORTANT! If you want to provide babysitting or overnight respite care in your own home you must be approved as a Host Family, not a Community Friend.


Befriend & Support Parents

Community Friends can support and befriend parents in need:

  • When their child is being hosted
  • Befriending a parent whose child is not being hosted who simply needs supportive people in their life.

Some examples of how Community Friends do this:

  • Provide rides to the store, doctor's appointments, etc.
  • Go with a parent to a stressful meeting or appointment
  • Babysit in the parent's home to give them a break or a mommy's day out
  • Meet a parent for coffee
  • Find a family-friendly event in your community and invite the family to go along with your family
  • Take a meal to a parent's home and share it with them
  • Be a listening ear-- simply be a friend!
  • Pray with and for the parent
  • Send encouraging texts and funny memes
  • Meet with a parent to help them brush up their resume or to search through job postings
  • Help a parent learn to drive
  • Attend a budgeting class with a parent
  • ... So many ways not listed!
Fill out a Volunteer Interest Form


What is the process to become a Community Friend?

Community Friends complete an approval process that includes an application, a pastoral character reference, a 3.5-hour training, fingerprinting & background check, and signing various forms including our statement of faith. Community Friends can be fully approved within just a couple of weeks!

Do I need to be open to serving in both of the ways listed above as a Community Friend?

No. Community Friends are able to serve in as wraparound support for both parents and Host Families, or can choose to serve in only one of those ways. As a Community Friend supporting a Host Family you would be assigned to support the Host Family throughout the hosting. As a Community Friend supporting a parent, you would be made aware of needs that arise and can select which situations you would like to serve in/when you would like to be paired with a parent.

What does it look like supporting a parent whose child is not being hosted?

You may serve as a team with other Community Friends or 1-on-1 with a parent, depending on the parent's needs. At our Community Friending meeting, you would listen to the needs of the parent and consider what portion of the need you are able to assist with​. Community Friend arrangements typically last for 3 months initially, and can be extended to 6 months if everyone agrees.

Can I babysit a child in my home as a Community Friend?

Community Friends may only babysit in the Host Family's home, the parent's home, or out in the community. If you wish to provide care for a child in your own home, either during the daytime or overnight, please apply to be a Host Family.

What happens after my Community Friend match with a parent ends or a child hosting ends?

Our hope is that you can continue a relationship with the parent and their child(ren)! Many volunteers become like extended family or godparents and continue a friendship that may include getting together for holidays, attending church together, babysitting to give mom a break, and just "doing life" together!

If you have additional questions about being a Host Family, please reach out to Mary Kay, our Volunteer Coordinator: