Serving as a Lead Church is a life-changing ministry opportunity for families and individuals in your church. We unleash your church members to be on-mission in their own homes, building transformational relationships with struggling families and keeping kids out of the foster care system.
We connect isolated families who otherwise may never walk through the doors of your church with Christ-followers who want to impact hurting families today, for generations, and for eternity.
Lead Partner Churches build at least 1 circle of volunteers that wraps around 1 hurting family together to keep the family intact and to welcome them into community. Our staff team provides training, vetting, support, and safety oversight.
Designate Alongside Families as a ministry of your church.
Identify a volunteer leader who Alongside Families will train to head up the ministry at your church.
Recruit volunteers who will serve together as a Community Circle to wrap around a family in need.
Support: Wrap around your volunteers as they serve and welcome isolated families into your community with open arms.
We'd love to meet with you to discuss how your church can get involved.
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Alongside Families
2217 Matthews Township Pkwy
STE D-261
Matthews, NC 28105
View our most recent impact report and financials HERE.
© 2023 Alongside Families. All rights reserved.